Friday, December 20, 2019

Flashback - Health Insurance

[My argument back in July 2011 was that people needed to better understand how health insurance works to keep from getting fooled by advertisers and politicians. Here is the entry in full.]

A flyer in the newspaper today reminded me how naïve consumers are about understanding the economic process, business and insurance, or at least how naïve advertisers think we are.

An ad from AARP promoting their Medicare supplemental insurance plan states that Medicare pays only about 80% of Part B (non-hospital) expenses and the other 20% is up to you.  (True.)  Right below is the statement that a supplemental insurance plan could save you up to thousands of dollars in out of pocket costs. That looks like a great deal, but where do those thousands of dollars come from, the AARP magic money tree? Perhaps the insurance company, out of the goodness of its heart, is going to make up the difference? – of course not.

The insurance company is going to collect premiums from everyone.  (Since premiums are not out-of-pocket costs in insurance language, maybe they are ignored when counting up the thousands in savings.)  The first thing the insurance company must do if it intends to stay in business is to pay its expenses (including the costs of the “free” brochure and of paying for all the people who work there and of other operating costs).  They also want to make a profit.  So already the total amount paid by everyone must be more than the total amount paid back to everyone (or to their doctor).

There will be winners and losers. The (financial) winners will be the people with high medical expenses for doctor visits, tests, etc. The losers will be the healthy ones. This may fluctuate, so in some years you come out ahead and in other years you may be part of the healthy bunch subsidizing the sickies – paying more in premiums than you receive in return.  Except for people who are chronically ill, this amounts to little more than a smooth-monthly-payment program similar to the installment plans offered by some electric and gas utilities. It is often a good budgeting tool to trade unknown payments for smooth, predictable ones, but you are hardly getting thousands of dollars for nothing as the flyer suggests.

This is a common tactic. It implies that the money is coming from somewhere else - but there is no money except our money. Companies and governments handle it, allocate it, and sometimes waste it, but their only source is to get it from us. Americans must listen to advertisers, news media and politicians with this always in mind to avoid getting tricked by this common something-for-nothing sales pitch that is really a smokescreen to disguise redistribution.

[Note that two and a half years after this posted, Jonathan Gruber, a professor at MIT and an architect of Obamacare said publicly: "And basically, call it the stupidity of the American voter or whatever, but basically [an intentional lack of transparency] was really really critical to get for the thing to pass." According to Snopes, the video footage of his remarks was deleted from the Internet in an attempt to hide it.]

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