On January 11th of this year the Surgeon
General’s Office celebrated the 50th anniversary of the initial
report linking cigarette smoking to lung cancer. Since then they have issued 32
tobacco-related reports and warnings emphasizing the dangers of smoking and tobacco use in
general. Joining them has been virtually
every medical professional and fitness program.
No one advocates smoking; everyone encourages not smoking; most
insurance companies, health and life, charge a penalty to tobacco users,
reflecting their exposure to increased risk of sickness and death. You would have to be living under a rock to
have missed the message – or not!
The news this month includes a story about young adults who are
misinformed about the dangers posed by tobacco and hookahs. As cigarette use continues to decline, hookah
smoking is on the rise. “Hookah smoking
can be just as dangerous as cigarettes, according to the U.S. Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention. However, [a new UCLA] study found that many
young adults believe the water pipes are a safe alternative to cigarettes.” More than half believed that the water or the
fruit flavor filtered out the bad chemicals or that they used a different kind
of tobacco.
Computer- and Internet-savvy young adults need only take a
quick trip to the CDC website to get accurate information. “Using a hookah to smoke tobacco poses
serious health risks to smokers and others exposed to the smoke from the
hookah.” Beneath this headline are more
than a dozen bullet points specifying the dangers. Is this a case of sheer laziness? More likely it’s related to the societal
habit of accepting evidence from family, friends, social media or the press when it
reinforces a desirable belief and disregarding even expert advice when it challenges those beliefs . Like resistant teens, they don’t want to hear
it and turn it off. Unfortunately
society not only practices and endorses this behavior; we actively reward it.
Consider the case, also this month, of a Florida jury awarding
punitive damages of over $23 billion “to the estate of Michael Johnson Sr., who
died in 1996 from lung cancer after years of chain smoking [cigarettes].” The attorneys for the family contend that
this will stop Big Tobacco from lying to consumers, or at least make them think
twice before they continue to lie. They
must be on guard knowing that some juries will believe any fairytale as long as
it give them a chance to favor the little guy against the big, evil
How can anyone pretend to be so stupid or uninformed as to
not know that smoking, especially chain smoking is bad for you? Cigarettes and other tobacco use causes cancer. Remember, we have known this for over 50
years. That smoking was not a
particularly healthy choice was known for many years before that. How can juries be convinced that people who
smoke are not consciously putting themselves at risk? It would be laughable if it were not so
scary. It’s fortunate that some big
advertiser is not telling people that jumping off cliffs is perfectly
safe. We might find ourselves reading
about people lying dead at the bottom of cliffs with their relatives suing (and
winning) exorbitant amounts to stop the lying. If you want
to talk about victim mentality, a shortfall in responsibility, this is a good
place to start.
With this mindset in our society, why should we expect those
young adults who socialize in the hookah bars to make better decisions? It is apparently not their job to investigate
their assumption about the safety of this different delivery method for their
tobacco. It must be up to the Surgeon General,
the CDC or the hookah bars themselves to warn them over and over, and when they
choose to ignore the warnings and continue the destructive behavior, they or
their survivors get to blame and even sue someone else.