I was talking to a man of about 40 the other day and he told
me he expected to work until he died.
This notion was mostly driven by his desire to keep busy and keep
contributing, but it also rested on his lack of faith in Social Security and
other retirement systems.
Coincidentally, several new reports on all phases of that subject have
been in the news lately.
Preparation for retirement has traditionally been described
as a three-legged stool consisting of Social Security, pension and personal
savings. All three are in peril.
This recent NBC article gives a good description of Social
Security. It begins with the story of
how the first person to collect paid in a total of $24.77 and collected more
than $22,000 over the rest of her lifetime.
As incredible as it may seem, the system works exactly the same way
now. Just as her Social Security checks
were funded not by some magical formula applied to her contribution but on the contribution of others, retired
people today rely on those who are still working and still paying FICA
taxes. It seemed like a good idea at the
time when the average life expectancy was 61 and full retirement age was set at
65. Many people paid in and never
collected. There were far more workers
than retirees. The extra money could go
into a “trust fund” giving the impression that we were saving for our own
retirement instead of funding others.
Today the full retirement age has been pushed to 67, but
with the life expectancy near 80 and fewer people working to support each retiree,
we have reached a point where total benefits exceed income and that trust fund
must be tapped. The latest estimates
predict that unless Washington makes some changes, by 2033 the extra money will
run out and the income will cover only 75% of promised benefits. (That 40-year-old will be only 58.)
The second leg of the retirement stool is the pension. CNBC reports that between 1975 and 2011 the
number of private sector workers with a pension-paying job dropped from 88
percent to about 20 percent. (This trend continues with the latest
talk of dissolving traditional defined-benefit pensions in favor of a 401(k)-type
plan comes from the military as the Defense Secretary finds, “Personnel costs,
such as pay, health care and retirement, have consumed an unsustainable share
of the Pentagon's budget.”) Those lucky
enough to retain the promise of a pension, which includes most government
workers, face the reality that not enough money is being set aside to meet those
obligations. If you are a politician,
corporate officer or union negotiator, it’s easy to make promises that someone
in the future will have to keep. How
many retirees will soon be forced to take less than expected as those in
Detroit experienced when the city declared bankruptcy? Cries of “you promised” and “you can’t take
it away” are trumped by the economic reality that there is no magic money tree.
What is left and what is the only thing individuals can
really control is personal savings.
Again the news is not good. The
idea of an IRA or 401(k) with tax deferrals and sometimes a company match to
encourage people to save is being characterized as a failed experiment. Workers were encouraged to save but they
didn’t. As an example, the average
401(k) plan has less than $19,000 and “the median amount for savers in Vanguard
between 55 and 64 years of age in 2013 was found to be $76,381.” Less than $80,000 to last 20 years does not
provide much security, especially at a time when financial advisors are
wondering out loud whether $1 million is enough to retire on.
That’s the hard facts - all three legs of the stool are
broken. A little economic understanding
and critical thinking lead to the conclusion that retirement is
disappearing. Everyone without the discipline to save will get to retirement and wonder what they are going to do next. What will likely happen is
that politicians will fiddle around, not wanting to put sound decisions ahead of
their popularity and ability to be reelected, and end up throwing more money
that the government doesn’t have at the problem until we reach the ultimate point
of unsustainability.
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